Connect your pc,laptop,mobiles to your tv using Chrome cast

Google today launched the chrome cast that allows everyone to connect their pc,loptop and mobiles with their TV.Chrome cast from google make you to watch HD videos on your bigscreen that you browse and view on your android mobiles ,pc and laptop.Google released chrome cast for 35$ (2069 INR)  so that every people can see their enjoyment in their television.

With chrome cast you can watch pictures,videos online streaming on your tv which are kept in mobiles and laptop.Chrome cast looks similar to a pendrive and once the device is installed you can watch everything on your TV with just one click.
Google's chrome cast works on android and ios platform.Chrome cast in now out for sales in U.S .It contains  ARM processor,WIFI and downcut version of Google chrome os.Google also released chromecast SDK for developers so that other application will be used.

look at the video below and Enjoy the working of Chrome cast

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